Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park, located in northern Tanzania, is renowned worldwide for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unique ecosystems. Spanning an impressive 14,750 square kilometers (5,700 square miles), this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers visitors an unparalleled safari experience. From witnessing the Great Migration to exploring vast savannas teeming with wildlife, Serengeti National Park promises an adventure of a lifetime. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the park’s attractions, activities, and accommodation options to help you plan your unforgettable journey.

Attractions in Serengeti National Park

The Great Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration in the Serengeti is one of the most remarkable natural events on the planet, captivating wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike. Spanning the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, this annual spectacle involves millions of animals, primarily wildebeests, but also zebras, gazelles, and other herbivores, as they traverse vast distances in search of fresh grazing land and water. The migration follows a cyclic pattern dictated by the rains and the availability of grass. It’s a never-ending journey that sees the massive herds constantly on the move, covering approximately 800 kilometers (500 miles) annually.


The Big Five in Serengeti National Park, one of Africa’s most iconic and renowned wildlife reserves, represents a collection of five charismatic and formidable species sought after by wildlife enthusiasts and safari-goers. These animals include the lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. Beyond the Big Five, Serengeti National Park boasts an incredible diversity of wildlife, including zebras, giraffes, wildebeests, cheetahs, hyenas, and an array of bird species. The park’s sweeping landscapes, teeming with life, offer visitors a glimpse into the untamed beauty of the African wilderness, making it a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Maasai Culture

The Maasai people, indigenous to the region, have a rich cultural heritage deeply intertwined with the land. Visitors can immerse themselves in Maasai traditions by visiting local communities, learning about their customs, and participating in traditional dances.

Olduvai Gorge

Located within the Serengeti ecosystem, Olduvai Gorge is often referred to as the “Cradle of Mankind.” This archaeological site has yielded some of the earliest evidence of human evolution, making it a fascinating destination for those interested in anthropology and paleontology.

Attractions in Serengeti National Park

Game Drives

Guided game drives offer the best way to explore the vast expanse of Serengeti National Park. The iconic big 5 can; lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants and rhinos can be seen during the game drives. The biggest wildlife spectacle can be witnessed as millions of wildebeest and zebras can be seen cross the mara river in search of greener pastures. Experienced safari guides lead visitors through prime wildlife habitats, maximizing opportunities for animal sightings and providing valuable insights into the park’s ecosystems.

Hot Air Balloon Safaris

For a truly unforgettable experience, consider embarking on a hot air balloon safari over the Serengeti. Drifting silently above the plains at dawn, tourists can enjoy breathtaking views of the landscape and wildlife below, followed by a champagne breakfast upon landing.

Walking Safaris

Some areas of the park allow for guided walking safaris, offering a more intimate and immersive experience of the wilderness. Accompanied by armed rangers and knowledgeable guides, visitors can discover the smaller details of the ecosystem while learning about tracking and bushcraft.


With over 500 bird species recorded within its borders, Serengeti National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers. From colorful bee-eaters and hornbills to majestic raptors like the martial eagle, bird enthusiasts will delight in the diverse avian life found here.

Cultural Visits

Gain insight into the local Maasai culture by visiting nearby villages and engaging with community members. Many lodges and camps offer cultural excursions where visitors can learn about traditional lifestyles, handicrafts, and rituals.

Accommodation in Serengeti National Park

Sound Of Silence

Africa Safai Maasai Boma

Mawe Tented Camp

Embalakai Tented camp

Acacia Migration Camp

Serengeti Simba Lodge

Proceed Booking