Mikumi National Park

Tucked away in the heart of Tanzania, Mikumi National Park stands as a testament to the country’s diverse and breathtaking wildlife. Spread over 3,230 square kilometers, this pristine wilderness offers an immersive experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. From its rich biodiversity to awe-inspiring landscapes, Mikumi National Park promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Africa.

Attractions in Mikumi National park


Mikumi National Park is renowned for its diverse array of wildlife, making it a paradise for safari enthusiasts. Visitors can spot iconic African species such as lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, and wildebeests roaming freely in their natural habitat. The park is also home to a variety of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers.

Scenic Landscapes

The park’s landscape is a picturesque blend of savannah plains, rolling hills, and acacia woodlands. The Mkata River, which flows through the park, serves as a lifeline for the diverse ecosystem, attracting wildlife to its banks. The vast expanse of Mikumi offers breathtaking vistas, especially during sunrise and sunset, when the sky is painted in hues of orange and pink.

Udzungwa Mountain

Mikumi National Park borders the Udzungwa Mountains, adding another dimension to its allure. The Udzungwa Mountains National Park, known for its lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls, is a short distance away from Mikumi and offers opportunities for hiking and exploring unique flora and fauna.

Hippo Pools

One of the highlights of Mikumi is the Hippo Pools, where visitors can observe these massive creatures basking in the sun or frolicking in the water. It’s a fascinating sight and a great opportunity for wildlife photography.

Activities to do in mikumi National Park

Game Drives

The most popular activity in Mikumi National Park is undoubtedly the game drive. Visitors can embark on guided safari tours led by experienced rangers who navigate through the park’s vast expanses in search of wildlife sightings. Morning and evening game drives offer different perspectives of the park’s inhabitants, with the chance to witness predators on the hunt or herds of herbivores grazing peacefully.


With over 400 bird species recorded within the park, Mikumi is a birdwatcher’s paradise. From colorful kingfishers to majestic eagles, the park offers ample opportunities to spot a diverse range of avian species. Birdwatching excursions can be arranged with knowledgeable guides who can identify and interpret the various bird calls and behaviors.

Walking Safaris

For a more intimate experience with nature, walking safaris are available in Mikumi National Park. Led by armed guides, these excursions provide a unique perspective on the park’s ecosystem, allowing visitors to observe smaller wildlife, tracks, and signs often missed during game drives.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Mikumi National Park is during the dry season, which runs from June to October. During this period, wildlife congregates around water sources, making animal sightings more frequent and accessible. The weather is also cooler, with clear skies ideal for game viewing and photography.

Another favorable time to visit is during the short dry season from January to February when the landscape is lush and green after the short rains. This period offers excellent birdwatching opportunities and fewer crowds compared to the peak tourist season.

It’s essential to note that the wet season, from November to May, brings heavy rains, which can make some areas of the park inaccessible due to flooding. However, the wet season offers its own unique charm, with vibrant foliage, newborn wildlife, and fewer tourists.

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